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  • Writer's pictureBecca Adduci

Is Technology Running Your Life?

Hi friends! So, I've been thinking a lot about technology lately and how it impacts our lives, for better or worse. And, I believe it is important to look at our relationship with it and decide if it is healthy or not. The question really is then, "Do I have control of technology, or does technology have control over me?"

But seriously. This issue has recently come up for me, personally, having just started my private practice. Getting on Facebook and now Instagram, deciding to write a blog (this is my first - yay!), and all of this online "stuff" has made me have to set some new boundaries for myself.

I have decided that Sunday is a "technology break" day. I only allow myself 30 minutes in the morning, and then another 30 minutes in the evening to be online, on the phone, emailing, or returning text messages. I have also implemented a "no technology in bed" rule. That is, unless it is a guided meditation on you tube or Headspace. I think it is important to have the first part of our morning, and the last part of our evening before bed, be free from technology. No TV, no Facebook, no light in your face! FYI, that light in your face interferes with the production of melatonin, which helps us fall and stay asleep! Just kind of important, right?

We are inundated with news, technology, information, and the like all day everyday, and I don't think it is going to stop anytime soon. It can become totally overwhelming! And it can create a ton of anxiety if we don't have it under control. I'm sure a lot of you know exactly what I'm talking about. There is a lot of pressure to return texts, emails, Facebook messages, phone calls, in a timely manner! I have a really good friend (sorry Ashley Stan, love you :)) that would get a little, let's say, annoyed when we first became friends because I wouldn't text back right away. But now she knows, it's not personal, I just don't want to be a slave to my phone! She says, "That's just Becca, she'll get back to me eventually."

Long story short, I encourage all of you to really take a look at your relationship with technology, and put some boundaries on your use. And yes, it is Friday night at 9 pm, and I am writing my first blog post. But the mood struck, and I had to go with it! I plan to wrap this up, and then take the next couple hours "off."

Stay tuned for more upcoming blog posts from me!

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